E-RAN development
The company E – RAN Development, s. r. o. originated in 2011 as the subsidiary of E – RAN Slovakia spol. s r.o., dealing with implementation of developer projects of the companies belonging in the E – RAN GROUP, a.s. Under the brand E- RAN Development, s. r. o., we implemented our first big project - construction of the polyfunctional object, OLBRACHTOVA and construction of rental municipal apartments in Selec. For the future, we are also preparing other construction projects for polyfunctional and residential houses under the brand BÝVANIE – PRE – TEBA (HOUSING-FOR-YOU).
In 2014, the company E-RAN Development, s.r.o. obtained the BISNODE Certificate with the „A“ rating in the credibility category. The company belongs among the group of entities with highest credibility rating in the Slovak Republic. The company has met the strictest criteria of reliability and stability on the market and belongs to the exclusive group of 3.7 % of Slovak companies eligible to use the A certification as the symbol of high rating.
+421 32 748 49 50 (51)
Company Head Office
Astrová 2/A, 821 01 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Bratislavská 16, 911 05 Trenčín
Slovak Republic
Company ID: 36336530 ▪ Tax ID: 2021877957 ▪ VAT ID: SK2021877957